

CapabilityIntegrated Business Planning

Why is my Integrated Business Planning process not working?

Why is my Integrated Business Planning (IBP) process or Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) process not seem to work? I have encountered many frustrated IBP or S&OP leaders with a question on why they seem to have a good output from their monthly IBP or S&OP process, which includes an agreed plan that balances demand planning with supply chain. However, what is actually produced in the plant ends up being completely different. Delivery performance doesn’t seem to improve, commercial teams are frustrated that customer orders are not being fulfilled.  Supply chain leader continues to blame an inaccurate Demand plan, finance…
Debbie Evans
June 14, 2023

How do you know if your IBP Process is working

For many organizations reflecting upon their IBP performance, demand planning is considered as the primary indicator on determining a successful IBP process. A demand plan that achieves utopia by perfectly aligning demand with supply and when this does not occur it must be a demand planning issue and therefore IBP must be broken.  Conceptually we can all accept that there is no such thing as a perfect forecast, in practice however many organizations expect this elusive perfection and as an IBP practitioner, I am often besieged by supply chain leaders on the failures of supply chain performance as a result…
Debbie Evans
September 20, 2021

Advance S&OP to IBP – simple right?

I’m going to reframe from a lengthy affirmation of how your S&OP process is rocking; The effective ownership of the unconstrained demand forecast, systemic bias controlled within +/-2%.  The ability and accuracy of the process to constrain demand based upon material, resource availability and machine capacity. Generating a credible supply plan and measuring production adherence weekly and monthly against this plan to ensure sales commitments to customers are respected. Controlling abnormal demand when customer orders are over forecast, worst still when they drop orders inside published lead-time. Your ERP is effectively driving the materials requirement plan and accurately performing production…
Kim Britton
September 7, 2021
Business ImplementationCapability

Let’s Talk About Capability

Let’s talk about capability, I don’t mean people skills, I mean the systems, processes and tools which govern and control an enterprise. Conceptually, the objective of integrating a business is simple; integrated business planning aims to align the financial plan, demand plan and supply plan (‘align’ not necessarily meaning ‘make the same’). Business planning is predicated on the capability to facilitate change and steer the business to a desired destination. If the suite of business management systems are not capable, or have been wired in a way which impedes decisions to follow a desired course there is a significant challenge…
Kim Britton
March 15, 2021