

BusinessIntegrated Business PlanningManagment

Outliers in Demand

Identifying outliers: The first step is to identify the outliers. This can be done manually or by using statistical methods. Some common methods for identifying outliers include: The interquartile range (IQR): The IQR is a measure of the spread of data. To calculate the IQR, first find the first and third quartiles of the data. The IQR is the difference between the third and first quartiles. Data points that are more than 1.5 times the IQR away from the nearest quartile are considered outliers. The z-score: The z-score is a measure of how far a data point is from the…

Leadership Accountability

Supply chain leader and a market leader are sitting at a bar, looking somber and frustrated. Supply Chain Leader: "We need to figure out how to explain our nonperformance to leadership. Any ideas?" Market Leader: "Yeah, we need to come up with something convincing." The supply chain leader starts brainstorming, looking stressed. Supply Chain Leader: "Maybe we can say there were delays in the supply chain due to unforeseen circumstances?" Market Leader: "No, that won't work. We've already used that one before." The market leader takes a sip of their drink, looking pensive. Market Leader: "What about blaming it on…
Debbie Evans
April 9, 2023

Call it IBP, it’ll be ok!

The design has been approved, accountability defined and resources allocated, everything is set to implement IBP…wrong! In reality the muscle memory of most organizations is an overwhelming force which will not be changed without direct intervention. In most cases, the formal IBP reviews become incorporated into existing meetings with a promise of ‘doing IBP’. Leadership commitment to IBP results in a fervor to proclaim the term or validate data as coming from IBP. In fact, most legacy meetings continue unabated and the IBP reviews become an appendage to the established protocol. The possibility of redesigning the agenda so to capture…
Kim Britton
March 22, 2021